Private companies

- Bouygues E&S is an expert in energy performance and services. Its activities cover among others facility management, mechanical & electrical installation and outdoor infrastructures. Sustainable development is one of the most important strategic directions of the Bouygues group and, in its field Bouygues E&S has developed a high expertise in the installation and the maintenance of electrical facilities involving innovative Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) tools. As an example, Bouygues Energies & Service has realized “Issy grid”, an eco-neighbourhood project based on the remote control of 42 lights with PLC (Power Line Communication) technology in two streets of the City of Issy, and the management of the energy by an electrochemical storage system installed on the electrical grid.

- Wi6labs was founded in June 2014 by engineers from the telecom industry with complementary skills, to deliver end to end solution using disruptive technology for smart cities and smart agriculture. Wi6labs has developed sensors for the “Lora Fabian” project lead by Telecom Bretagne, which demonstrated the first deployment of an open source IOT network based on LoRa technology in Rennes, and is currently working with INRIA’s Granit team through a CIFRE thesis on the subject of wireless sensor power management with multi-source energy harvesting. Wi6labs was finalist or won innovation award (Creacc 2014, Cleantech Open France 2015, Crisalide eco activities 2015). Wi6labs was selected by STMicroelectronics as part of its “booster innovation initiative” in July 2014 and received in September 2015 the award for best collaboration in the field of wireless sensor networks by STMicroelectronic.