Public laboratories

- UMRAE is a research laboratory of Université Gustave Eiffel (formerly, Ifsttar, French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks) and Cerema (Centre for Studies on Risks, Environment, Mobility and Urban Planning). It develops researches on environmental noise at a national and international level, and contributes to many European and French research projects. UMRAE intends primarily to provide responses to a major societal issue, aiming at reducing the exposure of citizens to noise, especially in urban areas. In addition, UMRAE hosts the development of open sources models for noise mapping ( and room acoustics (

- The team ADTSI at LS2N specializes in Bayesian optimization for the processing of audio and images. In this team, Mathieu Lagrange develops listening algorithms adapted to the processing of a wide variety of digital audio signals. The design of experimental protocols and validation are the heart of that effort, with a focus on the reproducibility of results research and dissemination of common validation method. As such, he is a member of the organization committee of the first (2015) and second (2017) IEEE international challenge AASP on the detection and classification of events and scenes acoustic. The project will benefit from simScene (internally developed and freely distributed), a mature tool for the simulation of sound scenes for validation purposes.

- The scientific project of Lab-STICC is summarized by the slogan “from sensors to knowledge: communicate and decide”. The department CID is concerned by methods of collaborative decision to analyse information produced by sensoring systems. In this department, the group DECIDE is focused on three main axes: (i) from data to information, (ii) from information to decision; (iii) geographical applications. The DECIDE team is member of the Open Source GeoSpatial consortium and the leader of the open source geographical information system OrbisGIS.

- UMRAE is a research laboratory of Université Gustave Eiffel (formerly, Ifsttar, French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks) and Cerema (Centre for Studies on Risks, Environment, Mobility and Urban Planning). The Cerema is involved in environmental noise expertise and researches for over 30 years. Its expertise is in the fields of metrology, predictions of environmental noise, and characterization of noise sources. It is specialized in outdoor sound propagation, transportation noise, industrial noise, noise reducing devices, building acoustics and bioacoustics. It has contributed to several French or European projects in these fields (QUIESST, CNOSSOS, NMPB2008). The team also provides technical assistance on these fields to the French Ministry in charge of Ecology and Sustainable Development.
- The CLIME INRIA project-team carries out researches on the coupling between simulation models and observations, with application to environmental problems. INRIA/CLIME investigated state estimation, ensemble forecasting and inverse modeling, especially for air quality at urban scale. In the context of the CityLab INRIA project lab, the team extends its research to other applications at urban scale, including noise pollution . CENSE is perfectly aligned with the team main goals. Over the years, the team developed expertise on the computing issues with the development of the open-source data assimilation library Verdandi.

- This laboratory particularly studies the acoustic impact of transport activity in urban and suburban areas (field surveys and laboratory tests, multi modal perception and multi exposure to transportation noise). The laboratory has a strong experience on soundscape assessment, and has been involved in the European network on "Soundscape of European Cities and Landscapes" (COST TD0804). Recently, the laboratory has lead two national projects on urban sound quality (Cart_ASUR 2016) and on sound mapping (GRAFIC, December 2017).